Lubavitch Junior Girls School

Va’ad Hachinuch

Establishment of a Va'ad Hachinuch

As the registered Religious Authority for the Lubavitch Multi-Academy Trust ('LMAT), we wanted formally to notify the LMAT's trustees of the establishment by the Hanhollo (management committee) of Chabad Lubavitch UK of a Va'ad Hachinuch (education committee) to guide the LMAT in all matters of Hashkofo (educational beliefs and methodology.

This guidance will relate to every aspect of the LMAT Schools across the whole taught curriculum and all extra curricula activities, to infuse the Lubavitch ethos in the schools, their students and staff. Part of this role will be to ensure compliance with all relevant Department for Education guidelines without compromising the schools; Lubavitch ethos.

The Va'ad's Terms of Reference are attached; these set out its composition, its areas of responsibilities to and from the Va'ad with other stakeholders. The members of the Va'ad appointed by the Hanhollo are:

Dayan LY Raskin (Head of the Religious Authority for the LMAT)

Rabbi Moshe Zavdi

Rabbi Yehuda Pink

This iniative will help to ensure that the LMAT receives the support and assistance that Chabad Lubavitch UK, as the Trust's Religious Authority, is committed to provide and that this will be delivered in a clear, effective and collaborative way.


vaad hahinuch tor.pdf